Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Good Morning, World

We all know that James Franco is punking us, constantly, over and over, and yet here we are staring back like a bunch of slack-jawed dullards. Okay perhaps I speak for myself. In truth it's kind of gotten to the point that if he stopped and disappeared from the face of the planet tomorrow I don't think I'd really miss him, but that doesn't keep me from staring anyway. I suppose, as far as he's got any point, that's it. He posted these shots of himself and Pretty Little Liars actor Keegan Allen all a'snuggles yesterday. Gawk.

1 comment:

sissyinhwd said...

I'm sick of all this quasi-homo crap from Franco. His thoughts on sexuality are facile and he has completely cheapened his talented with all this BS. His CRUISING take was awful as most of his directorial efforts. Either you suck dick or you don't.